

  • family,  writing

    My Office Remodel…Part One


    When my four kids were little, I loved making their rooms special. I spent hours painting clouds, Pooh Bear and Piglet, and stars. There was never time or energy to make my own space mine. Seriously, our bedroom still has a fifteen-year old swirly mural near the bed, courtesy of our oldest daughter.

    But now…

    My younger son is engaged! Not only do we have a wonderful new daughter-to-be, but the downstairs room is officially mine. With the kid committed to independence, I took on the task of making his room my office.

    Here’s a little look at the before:


    The walls and ceiling are covered in glow-in-the-dark stars, but I’m not dedicated enough to try and document that.

    It’s been a little sad to strip off the wall paper, another reminders that my boys are now grown men. And the process hasn’t been without some hiccups, but it’s coming together, and I hope to be showing you the after pictures very soon.


    Here are a couple pictures of what went wrong. I didn’t mean for the wall to look like it had tar oozing out of it.


    This was the first attempt with the chalkboard paint. I have no idea what happened here. I came back about an hour after applying the first coat, and it seemed to have melted off the wall. UGH!


    I applied texture to a couple walls. This was the first one. It doesn’t look anything like the example on the can. Turns out, it’s very important to warm the can before spraying the wall. Now I know!

    There was also a try with magnetic paint primer. It’s supposed to make the wall attractive to magnets. Turns out, my magnets were only slightly interested in the wall even after multiple coats. I guess they’re committed to the refrigerator.

    Bonus material because I’m a bit addicted to SnapChat filters:





  • writing

    If We Make it Home – Cover Reveal!

    My new business cards arrived today with my book cover printed on one side. I think that means it’s time to let the world see the cover.

    But first…A book blurb.

    In college, they were as close as sisters, but in adult life, they’ve drifted so far they’ve become strangers. When the University of Northwest Oregon decides to close the house they called home for four years, Jenna, Ireland, and Vicky travel back and are reunited only to find their other roommate has passed away.

    With regrets high, and the weight of their crumbling lives as motivation, the women embark on a survival week. When tragedy strikes, leaving them lost without a guide, they must face the wounds that tore them apart and work together if they have any hope of making it home.


    If We Make it Home release September 26, 2017 from Kregel Publications


    Available for pre-order!



  • writing

    Exciting Publishing Moments: We Have a Title!

    The new title is here! I received a very exciting email from Noelle, Marketing and Publicity Manager at Kregel. She and the committee decided to change the name of my novel to…



    If We Make it Home

    ~A Novel of Faith and Survival in the Oregon Wilderness


    I’m was completely caught off guard by how exciting this step was! I think I’ve been smiling all day.


    What do you think?

  • writing

    What I’m Working On: Marketing and a New Book



    This week, the marketing department from Kregel sent me a few pages of questions regarding my upcoming book. You may not realize that the publisher decides on both the title and the book’s cover. I have no problem admitting that I’m terrible with titles. In all the manuscripts I’ve written, there is only one with a title I’m really attached to and that I named completely by myself.

    So, this is where we come to the point that The Lost may no longer be called The Lost. It’s kind of exciting. I feel like I’m about to get a great surprise. Of course, it’s also possible the book title will not change, and that’s good too. As you can see, I’m not real invested in this area.

    The book cover is another thing. I’m fascinated by book covers. Some I love, and some I hate. There are few that don’t fall into one of these categories. More than any of my other stories, I’ve had a vision for what this cover would look like. But I’m not so great on the artistic design side. I’m even struggling to express the vision that’s so clear in my head. I’ve scrolled through hundreds of covers, and I’ve found a few to show as examples. I’ve also found quite a few books to add to my TBR (to-be-read) pile.

    I have faith that the design Kregel decides on will be the right one. They’re professionals, and this is their area of expertise.

    That brings me to the other things I’m doing.

    I’ve replotted  an older manuscript which I’m pulling together in it’s new, better form. This is a bit tedious, but I’m pleased with the new story.

    I’m also planning for November and Nanowrimo. I’m so excited to be participating with thousands of other authors around the world. National Novel Writing Month brings professionals and hobby-writers together with the same goal, writing 50,000 words in the month of November. My goal will be something more like 70,000, but you get the point.

    The new story has me exploring topics like driving under the influence, dementia, and life transitions under the worst of circumstances. I look forward to weaving these threads together.

    Do you have any book covers you love? Please, post a picture in the comments area.