  • family,  writing

    Nanowrimo Anticipation!



    Tomorrow is a big day, and not just because of the crazy sugar withdrawals.

    Tomorrow is the first day of NANOWRIMO!

    New story. New characters. New setting.

    I can hardly wait!

    And while I’m waist-deep in story world, my family will not starve, and our home will not turn into a complete trash pile.  At least it didn’t the last two time I won Nano.

    Here’s the ticket (well, what worked for me anyway):

    1. Plan out the entire month’s menu repeating meals each week. This makes even the grocery shopping a breeze.

    2. Have a plan to involve the kiddos in maintaining a somewhat livable home.

    3. Schedule writing time each day and commit to that time. I use a timer to stay focused.

    4. Avoid online distractions. Try a program like RescueTime. I love this.

    5. Cut out extra commitments, which means saying “no” sometimes. It’s so much harder than it sounds.

    6. Learn to be comfortable with lower household standards. You can clean it up in December.

    7. Get up a little earlier each morning. Ouch! I know this one hurts but it will be worth it.

    8. DON’T get behind.


    Here’s the Nelson family menu November:

    Mondays – lasagna (It’s already made and in the freezer)

    Tuesdays – Crockpot Italian Chicken and broccoli

    Wednesday – soup (already made at Safeway) and yummy bread

    Thursday – Taco/burrito night

    Friday – rice bowls with veggies and leftover taco meat and beans

    Saturday – homemade pizza (the kids do a lot of this one)

    Sunday – make your own


    Happy writing!

    Are you doing Nanowrimo? What’s your battle plan?